

Hello friends– This is a Quiz!  Really– it’s for you– fill in the blank.  So it’s OK if everyone has a different answer.  Your answer today will be different than last year or last week.  But we all know it’s a grand idea to summon up few reasons to be thankful–any old day.

So I’ll give it a go:
Today I’m thankful for…
#1.  …a cart full of blackberries and nectarines and pretty peppers from the market.
#2. …a companionable evening to sit at the coffee table over tacos with Larry while we watched a movie.
#3. … all the squeals and giggles in our house these days with the grand-girls.
#4. …the luxurious leisure of summer–more time with a good book!
#5. …a sweet baby shower today to celebrate the imminent arrival of baby Timothy.

OK, that should do it.  Just filling in that blank, raised my thankfulness.  Hope your list of thankfulness fills a page…

“Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything.”     –Epsesians 5:19-20

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