Hello there–


Hi Blog Friends–
I don’t know if you’ve noticed I’ve absent around here.   It’s been a complicated month, but I think we’re out of the woods–a medical blip, so many surgeries and people to care for.  It’s been a good chance to stop and think through how to spend my days.

“I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.”      – John Burroughs

We have a friend, John,  who decided to count his days.  Literally, he figured the lifetime average age for men and counted how many days he had potentially left to live.  He filled a large jar with pebbles the matched the number of his remaining days, and then each morning he takes out a pebble to remind himself to use his days well.  You might think it sounds morbid, but I love the idea– a real reminder to value each day and to use it wisely.

I’ve been thinking about days.  At this point in life, there is so so much I want to do still.   And there are a long list of people that I want to take care of, quilts to sew up for the family, a garden to tend, meals to share with friends, books to read, times to sit quiet before God…

So I’m happily back to blogging, keeping my little online scrapbook, but will do it just about once or twice a week.  Hopefully that will help me fill my days well, like our friend John.

I love what my favorite blogger Shannon Martin wrote about why she blogs:

“It was to remember. To memorialize the days that might all bleed into each other, if I let them. It was to make sense of what my heart thinks.”  

P.S.  Shannon’s a young mom who blogs about family, faith and “hot boots.” You can find her incredible, worthwhile blog at Flower Patch Farm Girl

22 thoughts on “Hello there–

  1. I have missed you too! Praying you and your family are doing well. I think about all the things I want to do as well…the older we get the reality sets in that we don’t have unlimited time to enjoy all those we hold dear. Hugs!

  2. I did notice and i missed you! So glad you are back and all is well. I enjoy your recipes, thoughts, inspiration, and book reviews. Thank you!

  3. Dear Rhonda, I also noticed you had been missing and was about to come find you but then your post appeared in my subscribed posts, so there you are. Love the idea of the pebbles, very very wise, being aware of ones mortality might really make one focus more on living well in each day and making them count, and to quote a person I just read about – spend time being able to be nice to other people and enhance their days, which is one of the greatest gifts – I dont always do this well so it resonated with me 🙂 – I am glad you are doing better – it’s been a hard 6 months for you – hopefully you are now in the home stretch

  4. Dear Rhonda! I’ve prayed for you during this time and am so very happy to see you’re back! I missed you. Praying your recovery will be quick! Looks like we’ve had very similar thoughts about life, living, and what adjustments (if any) we’d like to make. I’m trying to learn (as quick as possible) what God wants to teach me through this phase of life I’m going through. It hasn’t been an easy time, but I remember that He is with me. Have a blessed weekend! Xoxo

    • Means so much to hear from you Daisy. I like what you said about learning as quickly as possible God’s best for us. It seems like at 62 I should have that all in hand. You are a dear…

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