Summer’s End and Peach Tarts

By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.   –Helen Hunt Jackson

There is a time in the last few days of summer when the ripeness of autumn fills the air.   –Rudolfo Anaya


Hey there– I’m wondering if autumn is rolling in where you are.  It’s just starting to come for us and I’m savoring the September warm (but not too hot!) days and summer fruit still in piles at the market.  This week I picked up a few peaches for tarts.

You can get these pretty tarts in the oven in about 10 minutes–so easy. They’re the perfect light ending that last summer meal.

1 sheet puff pastry, thawed*
2 large ripe peaches
4 oz. cream cheese
a few shakes of cinnamon
2- 4  tab. honey
serve with:  ice cream

Cut the puff pastry into 6 squares with a pizza cutter (or a sharp knife).  Lay the squares of pastry onto a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.

Divide the cream cheese into 6 parts and spread it over the pastry, leaving a 1/2 inch margin around the edges.

Slice the peaches thinly (leave on the skin) and layer them over the cream cheese. Dust the peaches lightly with cinnamon.

Pop them into a 425 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes until the pastry is puffed around the edges and the peaches are tender.

Drizzle honey over the peach tarts and serve them warm with ice cream or whipped cream.  Enjoy!


And just want to say Good Bye Summer by collecting these memories all in one spot.  I’ll miss the golden days and good times with family & friends in these long and lzy summer days…

Kicked off summer with Grammy Camp— love reading and creating and laughing with those girls.



We began the 4th of July with a breakfast & beach walk along with dear friends.


Family came in fo the weekend to celebrate Nick & Alyssa’s beautiful wedding.

John & Laurel took us in for a great week in
Wisconsin— lots of boating, evening walks, good meals and time to talk…



The Monday night friends rounded up a few times for lunch over our summer break.  Love those beautiful faces.


A bunch of family met up rustic little cabins for 5 days of hiking, s’mores and campground meals at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.  Loved having the grand-girls at arm’s length and waking under those glorious trees!



And finally there were a couple trips up to San Francisco to dote on grand-kids and to welcome new grand-guy, Oscar into the world.


Ah Summer, going to miss those long bright days, times with out & about with people we love.  But the joys of Autumn are around the corner.

 “The crickets felt it was their duty to warn everybody that summertime cannot last for ever. Even on the most beautiful days in the whole year – the days when summer is changing into autumn – the crickets spread the rumor of sadness and change.”

―E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web


And P.S.  — here’s a few more favorite peach recipes:
Avocado Chicken with
Chipotle Peach Salsa


Fresh Peach Cobbler



Peach Crostata



Peaches & Cream Tart







45 thoughts on “Summer’s End and Peach Tarts

    • Hey Carol– yep, loved summer but I’m read for fall (baking, sweaters…) And just finished an awesome book –Prayer, Our Deepest Longing by Ronald Rolheiser. He’s a Catholic priest with good insights on regular persistent prayer. Now reading Love and Ruin (Hemingway’s 3rd wife)– did you review that one?? hugs from here!

  1. How funny! I’ve just written a post on fruit tarts – I knew the inspiration came from somewhere. I must have seen your photos and got inspired! Mine are with jam rather than cream cheese but I am def going to give this version of yours a go.

  2. Oh yeah your summer peach recipes we such a tease for me this summer when I was pregnant and craving peaches all the time lol. I’m glad you had such a good summer. Seeing Sequoia is something I want to do with my kids SO bad. Thanks for sharing all the pictures!

    • Hey Lacey!! If you come to Sequoia (4 hours north of us), then roll down and stay here– We’re 30 minutes from the beach & 20 minutes from Disneyland. Really!! We would love to meet you all!! xo

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